Sustainability Vision

Steps in development of Sustainability Vision

Once the decision had been taken to form the Sustainability Committee, consistency with factors including the following was investigated through the activities of the committee's participating members.

  • 1. Reaffirmation of Benesse's corporate philosophy (“Benesse Group Corporate Philosophy”) underlying all discussions
  • 2. Inputs of environmental forecasts by outside exerts (forecasts of business environments in education and nursing care fields, diversity of work styles and human resources, etc.)
  • 3. Interviews with individual committee members (regarding Benesse's management philosophy and ethos, thinking on corporate activities, etc.)
  • 4. Developments in the international community regarding sustainability (including the SDGs) and the company's own mid-term management plan

Based on the results of these investigations, the committee discussed possible ways and areas in which the Benesse Group could contribute to addressing social challenges in or after 2030. The results of discussions resulted in the formulation of five principles of action, which were integrated to produce the Benesse Group Sustainability Vision.

Last updated : 2019/04/26