Our Business

As of March 31, 2024

Supporting the Well-Being of Everyone

Our philosophy in the Benesse Group is to help everyone attain well-being by always being there with the tools and support that build their motivation and empower them to solve problems at every stage of their lives. This philosophy is the fundamental basis for all of our business activities. With the lineup of services that we offer in each of our three major business segments that support people throughout their lives, including education and nursing care, we aim to fuel dreams and aspirations for everyone while playing a pivotal role in helping to achieve them.

Three Business Segments Spanning a Broad Range of Areas

In addition to our main business in Education Business in Japan, our other two segments are, Nursing Care and Childcare which is our second business pillar, University and Working Adult which is driving profit growth.

Benesse Group services that support people in every stage of their lives

With a dedication to offering services that improve people’s lives, the Benesse Group provides services tailored to the specific problems and needs people have at each stage of their lives.

Last updated : 2024/05/28