Message from the President
Work to solve social issues based
on 'people' at each life stage,
starting with the Group Purpose.
The Benesse Group, which began with the founding of Fukutake Shoten in 1955, has addressed various social issues along people’s life stages in the fields of domestic education, global education, nursing care and childcare, and daily living. At the core is the common thread of Benesse’s constant corporate philosophy, “Benesse = Well-Being”, which Benesse has always cherished and pursued throughout its history. “Benesse” is indeed the same as “well-being,” and is the direction that the SDGs are aiming for, by staying close to our customers as they continue to move toward the realization of their dreams and ideals, and provide lifelong support for individual growth and problem solving.
Society is undergoing drastic changes, including an accelerating birthrate decline, widening inequalities, an increasing rate of aging, and rapid technological advancements. To practice the unchanging philosophy of “Benesse” and continue to create value in this environment, it is important for each and every employee to return to the starting point of “what the purpose of our business activities is,” grasp the changes in customers and society, and to continue to take on new challenges.
In April 2023, we iterated the Benesse Group Purpose, “Anybody can enjoy lifelong growth. Toward world in which everyone can live their own life. Benesse will continue to aim for these ideals.” We believe in the potential of people at every stage of life, and amidst the great changes in society, we will persistently pursue the realization of a world in which people can live their lives to the fullest, encompassing the future, globalization, and changing social systems. This is the aspiration that we have put into this Purpose.
In the Transformation Business Plan announced in May 2023, we explained that we will become a corporate group overwhelmingly committed to solving social issues centered on people, that we will achieve sustainable profit growth through portfolio transformation, and that we will achieve a state where the three pillars of profit are “core education,” “core nursing care,” and “new business domains”. As I explained, we will achieve sustainable profitable growth through portfolio transformation.
In order to promote a corporate culture in which employees who share Benesse’s philosophy and purpose are highly motivated to address social issues, we established the Sustainability Promotion Division in fiscal year 2022 as a dedicated department and have been actively engaged in ESG activities. In addition to creating social value through our business, we will further expand our activities for “people,” the Benesse Group’s assets, and the “environment,” which supports them, by respecting human rights, promoting diversity, and developing human resources.
Each and every employee will continue to pursue the corporate philosophy of “Benesse = Well-Being”, and furthermore, while engaging in dialogue and collaboration with diverse stakeholders, including local communities, government, business partners and suppliers, we will continue to create three values - customer value, social value and economic value - through our business activities, with the aim of achieving a sustainable society.
June 2023
Representative Director and President, CEO
of Benesse Holdings, Inc.
In March 2010, the Benesse Group declared its support for the UN Global Compact with its aim to resolve global issues as a responsible corporate citizen. Going forward, the Benesse Group will continue to promote responsible management as a global company and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by adhering to and putting into practice the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.