Our Vision and Business Strategies
We seek sustainable growth for both the Benesse Group and society by bringing people “Benesse = well-being” through our business and social activities, and continuously creating new value that helps solve social problems.
Executive General Manager of Corporate Planning and Promotion Read more [342KB] -
Executive General Manager of Finance and Accounting Read more [337KB] -
Executive General Manager of Digital Innovation Partners Read more [370KB]
Material issues
When formulating our Transformation Business Plan by updating our medium-term management plan announced in 2020 in view of diverse changes in the business environment, we also revised our materiality in line with the current situation. Our new materiality is composed of three business themes aimed at achieving the Group’s purpose, underpinned by a foundation of ESG promotion.
Material issues
(Sustainability-focused activities)
- Supporting diversified and multilayered learning experiences to provide motivational education services
- Supporting sustainable corporate growth and personal career development through learning experiences
- Respecting the unique individuality of the elderly while resolving structural nursing care issues
- Nurturing organizations and people as drivers of transformation
- Preserving a sustainable global environment
- Cultivating a corporate culture conducive to serving society and customers with integrity
How We Create Value
We are strongly committed to tackling the social challenges currently facing many people and helping our customers live well (to achieve “Benesse”). To this end, the Benesse Group provides services in the areas of education (in Japan and overseas), nursing care and childcare, and lifestyle in order to meet people’s needs at different stages of life and help solve social challenges.
Enhancing Operational Resources
Masaru Onishi Outside Directors Dialogue between Two Outside Directors [248KB]
Special Feature : Benesse Art Site Naoshima
Benesse Art Site Naoshima is the collective name for the art-related activities we conduct in cooperation with the Fukutake Foundation on the islands of Naoshima, Teshima, and Inujima in the Seto Inland Sea. Through Benesse Art Site Naoshima, we demonstrate how nature, art, and people can co-exist harmoniously and provide places where visitors can encounter the embodiment of Benesse (Well-being), which is our corporate philosophy, and a manifestation of the concept of lifelong growth potential. Since launching the project 30 years ago, we have been conducting a string of related activities. In this special feature we introduce some of these activities and our ideas reflected in them.
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Download the entire report
Download in sections (For viewing)
- Introduction [2.49MB]
- Benesse Group Corporate Philosophy & Principles
- Benesse Group Purpose
- Benesse Report 2023: background theme
- Benesse’s History
- Benesse’s Strengths
- Contents
- CHAPTER 01 Our Vision and Business Strategies [2.23MB]
- Benesse’s Value Creation Process
- CEO Message
- CSO Message
- CFO Message
- Financial Highlights
- CDXO Message
- CHAPTER 02 Materiality [1.22MB]
- Revision of Materiality
- Toward the Achievement of our Purpose
- Supporting Diversified and Multilayered Learning Experiences to Provide Motivational Education Services
- Supporting Sustainable Corporate Growth and Personal Career Development through Learning Experiences
- Respecting the Unique Individuality of the Elderly while Resolving Structural Nursing Care Issues
- Nurturing Organizations and People as Drivers of Transformation
- Preserving a Sustainable Global Environment
- Non-Financial Information
- CHAPTER 03 How We Create Value [2.72MB]
- At a Glance
- Education Business in Japan
- Special Feature: University and Working Adult Business
- Kids & Family Business
- Nursing Care and Childcare Business
- CHAPTER 04 Enhancing Operational Resources [2.44MB]
- Corporate Governance
- Communication with Shareholders and Investors
- Investor Information
- Group Information
- Special Feature : Benesse Art Site Naoshima [1.40MB]