FOCUS 3 Placing importance on deep respect for people’s individuality

Using technology to improve QOL

Benesse’s combination of nursing care and technology emphasizes improving the QOL of residents and making more time for staff members to interact with residents, stimulating new discoveries. We use technology to support the people that provide care, constantly evolving so that we can provide even better services.

Ken IwaidaGeneral Manager, Service Promotion Division
Executive Officer,
Benesse Style Care Co., Ltd.
Benesse Style Care

Bringing together a wealth of data and implicit workplace knowledge to improve the skills of all staff members

In 2017, we developed the Service Navigation System, a recordkeeping platform for nursing and caregiving. By digitizing and collecting data on nursing and caregiving, we have been able not only to improve operation efficiency and prevent accidents from reoccurring, but also to foster new realizations regarding residents. We are making further advances in technology usage, and are in the process of preparation and development work aimed at introducing “Sensing Homes,” which utilize sensors throughout nursing homes, in 2022.

Sensing Homes will combine the data we have accrued through our Service Navigation System with the results of analysis of data regarding residents acquired through the use of sensors, such as data regarding their sleep and excretory activity. AI will be applied to these data to perform analysis and make optimal care predictions. Furthermore, we are raising the skill level of staff members across the board by sharing information with staff whose high level of expertise and ability has been recognized with our “Majikami” internal certification system, and by turning their implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge.

Selection to participate in AMED’s Project to Promote the Development and Standardization of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care (Development Support)

Benesse Style Care was selected to engage in nursing care operation system development as part of the Project to Promote the Development and Standardization of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care (Development Support) being conducted in fiscal 2021 by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). It will receive subsidies over the course of at least three years as it accelerates system development.

The evolution of our service navigation

The evolution of our service navigation

Last updated : 2021/11/09